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Vassar Encyclopedia

An online work in progress under the direction of Vassar’s College Historian

The Vassar Encyclopedia project was conceived by Vassar’s first college historian, Elizabeth A. Daniels ’41. Work began on the encyclopedia in the summer of 2004. Many people have generously donated their time to this project. Articles are written by Daniels herself, her successor, Dean Emeritus of the College and Professor Emeritus of English Colton Johnson, their student assistants, summer Ford Scholars, alumnae/i, faculty, students, staff and others with interests in various aspects of Vassar history.

All photographs from Vassar College Special Collections unless otherwise noted.

Guide to the Contributors

(ZB) Zachary Bodnar ’15 Student Assistant 2012–2014
(NB) Nicholas Boedecker ’07 Student Assistant 2004–2005
(DBB) D. B. Brown
(MAB) Maryann Bruno
(MB)  Madeleine Boesche ’13 Student Assistant 2010–14
(PB) Patrick Brady ’15 Student Assistant 2012–15 
(CBC) Christina Carroll ’06 2005 Summer Ford Scholar, Student Assistant 2005–06
(LC) Leah Cates ’20 Student Assistant 2017–18
(SDC) Stephanos Chen ’08 Student Assistant Spring/Summer 2006
(BC) Buster Coen ’18 Student Assistant 2015–19
(MC) Michaela Coplen ’18 Student Assistant 2017–18
(EAD) Elizabeth Adams Daniels ’41
(EK) Emily Kottler ’16, Student Assistant to Professor of Biology Meg Ronsheim 2013–15
(ID) Isabel Drake ’22, Student Assistant 2019-
(JLD) Jennifer Dawson ’06 Student Assistant 2004–2005, Summer 2005, 2005–2006
(LL) Lucy Leonard ’22 Student Assistant 2019-
(MD) Margaret Dull ’04 Student Assistant Spring 2004
(ME) Mallory Easton ’11 Student Assistant 2010–2011
(VE) Violet Edelman ’12 Student Assistant 2010–2011, 2011–2012
(TF) Talia Feldberg ’16 Student Assistant 2013–14
(CG) Chrinstine Greeley ’15 Student Assistant 2013–15
(LG) Laura Green ’13 Student Assistant Fall 2010, Summer 2012, 2012–13
(SRH) Sarah Riane Harper ’09 Student Assistant Summer 2006, 2006–2007, Summer 2007
(CJ) Colton Johnson
(HK) Heather Kettlewell ’18 Student Assistand 2014–2018
(SL) Sebastian Langdell ’06 Student Assistant Summer 2004, 2005–2006
(CL) Candace Lewis ’66
(JL) Jason Lipeles ’08
(MH) Mike Higgins ’09 Student Assistant 2007–2008, Summer 2008
(GM) Gemma McElroy ’17 Student Assistant 2015–16
(MM) Maisry MacCracken ’31
(VM) Victoria Marquette ’10
(NM) Natalie Marshall ’51
(LM) Lila Matsumoto ’06 Student Assistant to Colton Johnson, Spring 2005, Summer 2005, 2005–2006
(RGM) Rachel G. Minkoff
(BP) Barbara Page
(MPB) Maya Peraza-Baker ’08 Student Assistant Summer/Fall 2006
(RP) Ron Patkus
(JP) Joann Potter
(RLP) Robert Pounder
(JR) Jessica Regenburg ’09
(LR) Lance Ringel
(SR) Sarah Rodriguez ’05 2004 Summer Ford Scholar
(SR-2) Shannon Russo ’21 Student Assistant 2018–19
(DLS) David L. Schalk
(EMS) Erica Seigneur ’09 Student Assistant Spring 2007, 2007–2008
(JS) James Storrow
(KS) Karilyn Strickland ’04 Student Assistant Spring 2001–2004
(JV) Julia Van Develder
(DW) Daniela Weiner ’12 2010 Summer Ford Scholar, Student Assistant Fall 2010, 2011–2012 
(KW) Kenny Whitebloom ’10 Student Assistant Fall 2008
(WW) Wendell Winton ’10 Student Assistant Spring 2009
(WW-2) William Weitzman ’20 Student Assistant 2018–2019
(GT) Geneva Toland ’15 Student Assistant 2013–15
(MT) Mina Turunç ’20 Student Assistant 2018–19

Guest Writers

  • Suzanne Bordelon
  • Forrest Cousens
  • Stephen Grant
  • Dorothy Hesselman
  • Christine Vassar Tall
  • Claudia Lynn Thomas

Special Thanks To

  • Jason Bailey, Office of Communications
  • Megg Brown, Office of Communications
  • Vassar CIS, Computing & Information Systems
  • Susan DeKrey, Former Vice President for College Relations
  • Julia Van Develder, Office of Communications
  • Fran Fergusson, president emerita
  • Carolyn Guyer, Former Director of Web Development, Office of Communications
  • Marjorie Krems, assistant to Ms. Daniels
  • John McEnrue, Former Project Manager, Buildings & Grounds
  • Ron Patkus, Vassar College Special Collections
  • Laura Streett, Vassar College Special Collections
  • Dean Rogers, Vassar College Special Collections
  • Raymond Schwartz, Office of Communications
  • Student Assistants to the project, 1985–present, for researching and writing