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Vassar Encyclopedia

An online work in progress under the direction of Vassar’s College Historian

The Chronicle of the 1970s

For four years the magazine sought to serve “the internal life of the community, its values, intellectual involvement, poetry and prose.” However, by 1978 the opinion articles had steadily diminished, replaced by more literary submissions. The staff decided in February of that year to forgo further journalistic ventures and turn The Chronicle into a monthly literary magazine with the new school year. The final issue of The Chronicle magazine was published April 28, 1978, without so much as a goodbye editorial. Yet in the fall no literary magazine with that title appeared, and The Chronicle’s name faded back into history.

The first Vassar Chronicle responded to a liberal bias in Vassar media. The second reflected the radical left who felt underrepresented in the Misc. Though they shared a name, and thus “recognition” from the Student’s Association, the two papers articulated drastically different needs in the campus community. With its second incarnation, the Chronicle continued its tradition of dissent and challenging the Vassar status quo. One can only wonder whom the next version will represent.

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The Vassar Chronicle. 1974–1978. Vassar College Library.

SRH, 2007